Get a clear and crisp vocal mix.

Get a clear and crisp vocal mix.

Download the vocal chain presets we use on our clients & import them straight into your Logic sessions.

vocal chain presets box 1

What's included?

Range Of Genre Options

Each volume pack includes 3X genres which will add the final touches to your vocal production.

Customizable Settings

Whilst each vocal chain preset is already set up, you can also tweak these as you see fit.

Easy Import

Includes a PDF booklet to guide you through a seamless installation and get you using the presets instantly.

Loads Of Presets

Each genre contains 3 different types of vocal chains within that genre. In total 9 vocal chain presets.

Instant Download

The vocal chain files are ready to download instantly which means you can get to using them right away.

Uses Stock Plugins

Each vocal chain is crafted with Logic’s stock plugins so no further purchases are necessary.

1. Download.

Start by purchasing your preferred volume pack and instantly download.

2. Import into Logic.

We include detailed guidance on how to import and install.

3. Apply to your vocals.

Load our vocal chains straight into your Logic sessions and use them right away.

Channel Strip

Which plugins are in our vocal chain presets?


How do they sound?

R&B – Vocal Chain Sample

First listen to the vocal without our chain applied, next listen to the vocal with our R&B vocal chain setting 01 in action.

You can grab this R&B preset as well as 2 other R&B presets in addition to Rap and Pop vocal chain presets in Volume 1.

POP – Vocal Chain Sample

You can grab this Pop preset as well as 2 other Pop presets in addition to Rap and R&B vocal chain presets in Volume 1.

Acoustic – Vocal Chain Sample

You can grab these Acoustic presets as well as 1 other Acoustic preset in addition to Rock and Indie vocal chain presets in Volume 2.

Easily download our vocal chain settings straight into your Logic sessions.
Screenshot Logic channel empty

Step-by-step import guidance is included in your download file.

Screenshot Login channel loaded

Why do I need vocal chain presets?

The benefits of using presets for your vocal chains are plenty. They are the closest shortcut to professional sound that’s consistent whilst versatile. Your vocal chain presets are your tools to polish your vocals into studio sound quality. It’s like having a skilled audio engineer at your side, ready to elevate your vocals to the next level.

Instead of fine-tuning every plug-in parameter, these presets do the heavy lifting. They’re an express lane to pristine vocal quality. Our presets ensure your listeners hear and connect with every lyric in your vocal. Whether you’re a singer/songwriter or a rock band, our vocal chains deliver.

Genre flexi.

Our vocal chain presets are genre-agnostic. We have 2 options of volume packs which have 3 genres each. Whether writing hip-hop, alt-rock or in-between, our presets offer the perfect vocal sound.

Saves a LOT of time.

Our vocal chains sound awesome once applied to your vocal. But they also can represent a starting point, for you to tweak to your preference. Either way, you have saved time by not needing to start from zero. Building a chain from scratch takes time and patience.

Consistency for your vocalists.

When working on multiple tracks for the same artist, your vocal sound in most cases should be consistent. Using vocal presets is a way to ensure the same vocal sound is present across the tracks in your EP or album.

What you should look for in vocal chains

Clear and natural:

Your vocal chains should be able to make your singing clear and natural. Sounding good without adding too much plugin processing. The vocalist should stand out with some processing whilst keeping all the special details.

Easy to personalise:

You should have your vocal chain settings that can be easily tweaked. The ability to adjust different dials within each plugin FX. Every song is different, and potentially every vocalist. Being able to change things slightly to suit your singer makes all the difference.

Simple installation:

Installation needs to be easy. After purchasing, you’ll want to try out the vocal chains on your production straight away. It should be a short, simple process to download and sort the preset files into the relevant folders. Our vocal chains product comes with an easy PDF booklet to guide you through this process.

What does each plugin bring to our vocal chains?

EQ (Equalizer):

EQ helps in adjusting the different parts of the singing. It’s like having a control panel for the voice. If the singer’s voice has too much bass or is a bit too sharp, EQ can be used to balance these elements. It’s like tuning a radio to get to your preferred sound.


A compressor acts as a helper for consistent volume. It caps the loud parts of the vocals and evens out the quiet parts that may be too soft. This can also make the singing sound smooth, avoiding any sudden jumps or pits. Almost all modern productions use compression, even in the most dynamic of performances.


The limiter is like a guardian for the volume. It sets a limit on how loud the singing can get. This is important to prevent any distortion or unwanted noise, especially during intense or high-energy parts of a song. Read about the difference between a compressor and limiter here.


Often during vocals, the letter “s” of “f” can be sound too sharp in your recording. A de-esser acts like a gentle fixer for these sharp sounds, making sure they are softened. It creates a more pleasant and smooth vocal performance.


Reverb and delay add a sense of space to the singing. It’s like placing the vocals in a unique environment to perform in. Reverb makes it sound like the singing is in a room, while delay creates an echoing effect. These effects can make the vocals more interesting and dynamic.


Chorus can bring richness. This effect can make the vocals sound wider and fuller. It’s designed to be like having a vocal team backing up the lead singer.


Harmonics add an extra layer of flavour to the vocals. They create additional tones that can be imperfect or just off. They can really complement the main vocal sound with a more subtle texture.

Plugins collage1

Settings and presets across 8+ plugin units.

Our preset options allow you to use each plugin unit outside our vocal chain with your other instruments.


To set up your vocal chain, follow this general order as a basis for great results. Start with autotune, or a pitch correction plugin as your foundation. Next up, EQ to shape the sound, making those vocals come to life. Next, add compression to balance the volume, then de-ess to soften the “S” sounds. Reverb and delay come next, adding some space and depth. Finish strong with a touch of saturation or distortion for extra character.

Autotune typically goes first in a vocal chain. Starting your chain this way creates a strong foundation for adding creative enhancements. All repair-type treatments go first to get your vocal up to standard. All proactive or creative enhancements go after. Read more on how to use autotune on your vocals.

Vocal presets and vocal chains may seem like peas in a pod, but they’re not quite the same thing. Imagine a vocal preset as the perfect outfit for your singing star at a concert. It includes EQ, compression, reverb, and more, all set for your vocal track.

Now, a vocal chain is more like building your superstar’s outfit from scratch. You handpick each piece, deciding exactly how much compression, reverb, and EQ you want to add.

  1. Create a new channel strip by going to the “Channel Strip” menu in the top right and selecting “New Channel Strip.”
  2. Name the channel strip something like “Vocal Chain.”
  3. Start inserting your EQ and compressor plugin on the channel strip. You can do this by clicking the “Insert” button in the channel strip and selecting the right plugin from the menu.
  4. Use the EQ to shape the tone of the vocals.
  5. Adjust the compressor settings to taste. For vocals, you might want to set the threshold relatively low and the ratio relatively high.
  6. Insert any other plugins you want to use, such as a de-esser to reduce sibilance or a harmonizer to add harmonies.
  7. Use the channel strip fader to adjust the volume of the vocals in the mix according to your balance.

And that’s it! You now have a basic vocal chain set up in Logic.

  • Compressor: Reduces the dynamic range of your vocals.. This can help even out the performance and makes vocals sit better in your mix.
  • EQ: Allows you to shape the tone of the vocals by boosting or cutting certain frequencies. You can use it to make the vocals sound brighter, warmer, or more or less present in the mix.
  • De-esser: This plugin helps reduce sibilance, or the “sss” and “shh” sounds that can be harsh on vocals.
  • Harmonizer: Adds artificial harmonies to the vocals. You can set it at specific intervals above or below the original vocal.
  • Reverb: Adds a sense of space to the vocals. You can use it to make the vocals sound like they were recorded in a large room, a small room, or anything in between.
  • Delay: You can use it to create a sense of space or to add interest to the vocal performance.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other types of plugins that you might want to use in a vocal chain. The plugins you choose depend on the sound you want and the needs of your vocal performance.

We have a guide that goes in-depth explaining which steps should be taken when mixing vocals.

To import vocal chain presets into Logic, follow these steps:
  1. Find some vocal chain presets that you want to use.
  2. Download the presets and unzip the file if necessary.
  3. In Logic, open the “Channel Strip” menu in the top right and select “Import Settings.”
  4. Navigate to the folder where you saved the presets and select the ones you want to import.
  5. The presets will be added to the “User” section of the “Channel Strip” menu.
You can now use the imported presets in your Logic projects. Note that some presets may need certain plugins to be installed to work.

Vocal chaining describes the process of building a series of plugins that collaborate with each other with the objective of creating your desired vocal sound. A vocal chain is a series of plugins loaded on a channel strip within your DAW. They often comprise a mix of plugin units depending on the production objective of a vocal mix.

Want to talk before ordering our Logic vocal chain presets?

We are available by phone or by message if you want to get in touch.